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Shaded pole motors

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Shaded pole motors ø58

Shaded pole electric motors ø58




Shaded pole motors ø58 work great as a component of  ventilation drives, small devices or small household appliances. They are a great compromise between: the size and performance


  • heating devices (fan heaters, thermo convectors)
  • fume exhaust system devices (duct fans, wall fans, through fans, cooker hoods) 
  • small mechanized household appliances (air humidifiers, massage devices)




Diameter: Φ58

Stack height: (12-30mm)

Shaft: Ø 4mm ±, 0,005 steel, tempered smoth

Cords: diameter, insultation, tips (on request)

Power: 16 ± 1 WATT

RPM: 2750 ± 100 G/min

Sense of rotations: CW/CCW (on request)

Functioning: constant or periodic work

Tension and frequency: On request

Bearings type: self-lubricating or ball (as request)



Other special execution of the motor according to technical parameters agreed with the user

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